Montag, 24. Mai 2010

Birch talismans agains negative energy and depression

Birch is one of the most useful trees for humans, say Russian experts in the study of energy crops.

For centuries, many nations called the birch the tree of life and connect it with fertility and magic. Birch twigs were used to fertile ground, but also animals and even newlyweds.

In all European countries, baby swings over the centuries have been made only from birch wood, as it is a symbol as protection from all disasters - both physically and spiritually.

It is invaluable in disenchantment. Birch twigs in Spring are considered very powerful talismans.

Such Mascots chase away the pain and diseases and protect children from disease and bad eyes. Sick or convalescent people can feel a lot better if they liaise closely with the tree.

It will alleviate the sufferin...[ More ]

More: MagicMascotsTalismansNegative EnergyDepressionBad EyesBirchFertility

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