The number of Pyramids in ancient Nubia (now Sudan), boast a total of 223 pyramids located in Kermen, Napa, Nuri, Naga and Meroe, which is more than twice the pyramids in neighboring Egypt. In ancient times Nubia competed with Egypt in wealth and power, and mutually affect each other. Groundwater Tombs in Nubian pyramids are also richly decorated, like Egyptian style but not all pyramids in Nubia are monuments of kings, as evidenced by their large numbers. Other notables of the empire, especially priests of high rank are also found there his last home.
The pyramids of Nuri
Located to the west of the Nile in Upper Nubia. In these tombs rest 21 kings, together with 52 queens and princes. Taharya the king of the 25th dynasty was the first king, who built a tomb at Nuri, and this is the largest pyramid ever built in th...[
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Nubian PyramidsPyramidsNubiaPyramids of NuriKermenNapaEgyptPyramids of MeroeEl-KurruSudan
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