Dienstag, 6. April 2010

Do you believe in reincarnation?

Almost a billion and half of people in today's Asia believe in reincarnation. This does not prevent a substantial part of the scientific world to challenge the existence of another life than the Earth.

In one of Jerome David Salinger stories he writes: "What one should do after his death, is to get rid of her body. God knows all what we've done to it a thousand times. The fact that you do not remember it does not mean that it has happened. "

It is reasonable to think that if reincarnation exists, then the sky should be crowded. Believers in reincarnation believe that death does not mean the end of life, but opens the door to another dimension, which is a transit station to the next life.

According to ancient Eastern traditions, the human soul can be gathered even in the body of the animal. Th...[ More ]

More: ReincarnationBeliefsHuman soulDeathLife after death

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